Coupon Terminology

BOGO = Buy one, get one

B2GO = Buy two get one

RR = Register Reward

PTL = Praise the Lord 🙂

SCR = Single Check Rebate

TTV =  Twice the Value coupons, Albertsons coupons that double your coupon up to 1.00 in value. They are available a couple times a month in the Sunday paper.

RP = Red Plum

SS = Smart Source

P&G = Proctor and Gamble

OOP = Out of Pocket

YMMV = Your Milage May Vary

Q = Coupon

MM = Moneymaker

ECB= Extra Care Bucks

MIR = Mail in Rebate

OYNO = On Your Next Order

WYB = When You Buy

Peelie = Coupon that are stuck on products in the store.

Tearpad = A pad of coupons found near the product in the store.

Raincheck =  When a store runs out of stock of a sale item you can request a raincheck which is a written note allowing you to purchase the sale item at the sale price at a later date when the store recieves more stock. Most rainchecks are good for 60-90 days after the date written.

CAT = Catalinas, a long receipt-like coupon, dispensed at registers; sometimes manufacturer or store coupons, some are advertised deals and some are based on what the customer buys (ex. I usually receive a catalina from Safeway for 2.00 off 5 cereals every time I purchase cereal through them)

Blinkie = Coupons found in dispensers in the store ailses.

Stockpiling = creating a reasonable supply of multiple items while they are on a maximum sale price, to ensure that you will have enough of the items until the next sale rolls around, in other words you are buying when items are on sale instead of when you need them

Filler = an item that you need to add to your purchase to make the coupon-to-product-ratio  even out (commonly used at Walgreens)

Stacking = Putting multiple coupons together, ex. manufacturer + store coupon, to maximize your savings

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